I started the first fast in Pakistan and ended up spending Eid in Saudi. This year, Eid occurred on the same day in both Pakistan and Saudi, therefore, according to the date on which the month of Ramadan started in Saudi, I have fasted one day less, however according to the date in Pakistan, I have fasted the entire month. Do I have to make up one day of fast?
According to the details provided in the question, it is understood that the questioner does not have to make up one day of fast, hence there is no need for him to be worried about this matter.
And Allah knows best.
فی جامع الترمذی: عن ابی ہریرۃ ؓ ان النبیﷺ قال الصوم یوم تصومون والفطر یوم تفطرون والاضحٰی یوم تضحون (۱/ ۸۸)۔
وفی الشامیۃ: لو صام رائی ہلال رمضان واکمل العدۃ لم یفطر إلا مع الامام لقولہٖ علیہ الصلاۃ والسلام صومکم یوم تصومون وفطرکم یوم تفطرون۔ (۲/ ۳۸۴)
can I skip fasting when I am away. And complete fastings when I am back?
English 0 Rules for Ramadan