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What should be our opinion regarding Yazeed?

History of Islam,Historical Personalities,What should be our opinion regarding Yazeed?

Fatwa: 3101
What should be our opinion regarding Yazeed?


Janab Mufthi Sahib,
Hope you are keeping fine. My question is that what is the level of status should we keep about the personality of Yazeed because his evil work and mal-treatment to Ahl e Baith and playing with the blood of this Nobles (Ridhwanullahi Tha'ala Alaihim Ajmaeen) is well known to all? With all these, still there prevails a doubt in the Aalam e Islam in this context and quite a number of people call him as their Ameer ul Mumineen despite the fact that he has done great conspiracies against Islam. I hope that you will give a comprehensive answer for my question>

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The unanimous opinion of Ahle Sunnah wal Jama’ath regarding Yazeed is that neither should he be called a Khalifa, giving him a rank above that which he deserves, nor should he be belittled, criticized or cursed since his death as a disbeliever has not been established through any solid form of evidence. Nonetheless, one should refrain from indulging in arguments based on the differences that emerged during the time of Sahaba (R.A) and Tabi’een, since observing silence in these matters is better.

Allah Knows Better
Darulifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 3101 Verification