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is it allowed to work and communicate with non-Mehrem?

Hijab and Islamic Veil,Of Marriage and Marriageability,is it allowed to work and communicate with non-Mehrem?

Fatwa: 32385
is it allowed to work and communicate with non-Mehrem?


In office or under a compelled helpless situation is it allowed to work and communicate with non-Mehrem?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

In a dire necessity it is allowed to communicate to the extent of necessity with non-Mehrem females. Similarly, it is allowed to work in an office where non-Mehrem females work and the females should try to observe Hijab to the possible extent, and the males should abstain to be in solitude with them.

Allah knows best.

Allah Knows Better
Darulifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 32385 Verification