Is the earnings from working in a call center Halal?
The earnings from working at a call center is undoubtedly Halal. However, if the questioner has any particular doubts regarding this issue, then he should rewrite his concern in detail and resend it via email, and InshaAllah, the Shar’i ruling will be provided.
کما فی الدر المختار: وکل أنواع الکسب فی الإباحۃ سواء علی المذہب الصحیح کما فی البزازیۃ وغیرہا۔ اھ (ج۶، ص۴۶۲) واللہ اعلم
Ruling on the comission recieved for writing an exam on behalf of someone else
English 0 Halal & Haram Incomes