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Will the mentioned statement cause one to exit the fold of Islam?

Belief and Disbelief,Disbelief and Causes of Disbelief ,Will the mentioned statement cause one to exit the fold of Islam?

Fatwa: 46735
Will the mentioned statement cause one to exit the fold of Islam?


Someone by the name of Momin uttered the following words: “I am fed-up of Pakistan. If Allah were to descend upon the earth and say to me “You are the prophet of Pakistan.” I would not accept.” Are these words considered blasphemous or not?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

The remark that has been mentioned in the question is indeed beneath the dignity of a Muslim, and blasphemous towards Allah, the most high, which causes one to exit the fold of Islam. After uttering such a statement, one must renew his Iman, by reciting the Kalima, and his marriage if he was married. He must also sincerely repent and beg for Allah’s forgiveness, and refrain from repeating such words in future.
And Allah knows best.

Allah Knows Better
Darulifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 46735 Verification